TRANSFER OF PROPERTY | PRESCRIPTION: Who commands the stronger right towards the immovable property?

Introduction The Prescription Act 68 of 1969 (the Prescription Act) provides different periods for different claims, except where an Act of Parliament provides otherwise. The period of prescription of any debt not listed in section 11 (d) of the Prescription Act shall be three years.  Scenario  In 1998 a seller sold the property to Buyer A for a sum of money. This transaction was reduced to writing by way of an agreement complete with terms. Despite meeting the purchase price, Buyer A neglected to take occupation of the property or transfer it into their own name. In 2020, the seller...
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June 2, 2022

Domestic Violence Against Men: The myth, the truth and the legend

Introduction Domestic violence against men is a phenomenon that is not easy to spot. Any time you hear conversations addressing domestic violence it is about women and children, and rarely about men. Society the juggernaut, is infuriatingly statuesque and often refuses to understand that men are not excluded from the long adverse arm of domestic abuse. This effigy defines men as strong and  able to take the punch; The echoes of laughter and smears often heard through the corridors of society alluding to the standing that a man could never suffer domestic abuse.   This article will look at whether the...
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June 2, 2022